If you get this error message it can be a bit of a puzzler – You return to your computer after half an hour and you get this as a warning box, even though everything was fine when you left it.  What’s happened?

Well firstly you have probably just installed the latest Adobe Flash update, yes?  Then your screensaver tried to kick in.  The problem is your screensaver needs Flash.  Of course it could happen if you have tried to use a Flash reliant programme.  The reason is the Adobe update renames the Flash programme.  Now if you Google this problem you’ve probably been taken to any number of sites telling you to uninstall stuff, down load special fixer programmes etc.  These are all over complicated.  Below is the easy method:

First you need to go to the folder with Flash in.  On Windows XP (and I think earlier) it is usually


In Windows 7 it may be in

• C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\

In there is a file called Flash[##].ocx where the ## are version number (e.g. it may be called Flash10g.ocx)

What ever it is called COPY and then paste into the same folder.  This will be given a name with Copy in it. 

Rename the copy to

Problem solved, as the computer now has both names it can find.  That simple – Find ocx file, copy, paste, rename.